Barbara Cozza, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor, Assistant Chairperson and Program Director for the Ed.D. in Instructional Leadership, in the Department of Administration and Instructional Leadership.
Dr. Cozza’s research targets school reform issues in the areas of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and leadership. Current research investigates how to improve and transform school systems into vital programs looking closely at the instructional core for regular education students and English Language Learners. The investigations integrate strategies such as Professional Learning Communities, Leadership Coaching, Teacher Leader, Instructional Rounds, Lesson Study and multi-age teaching and learning. Currently, Dr. Cozza offers collaborative partnerships and professional development to districts as a summer academy and an outreach program. Her forthcoming publications include co-editing a book on University Partnerships in Higher Education (Emerald), authoring The Best School: Multi-age Learning Communities and an upcoming article co-authored on Principles of Effective Faculty Learning Communities in Higher Education: A Qualitative Analysis of Faculty Participation. Recent works include presenting at international and national conferences and receiving numerous grants from state and federal agencies. Dr. Cozza applies qualitative and mixed design methods in her research. Her recent co-authored publications are Effectiveness of graduate programs in administration and instructional leadership (JARHE), Cross-cultural study of cognitive and metacognitive processes during math problem solving (SSMJ), Transforming teaching: A Pilot Professional Development School Partnership (Ed Forum), and Interdisciplinary Connections (Kappa Delta Pi Record).
She is presently senior editor for The Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education and a Board Member for Higher Education Teaching and Learning (HETL). Dr. Cozza mentors doctorate and administration students and teaches courses in the areas of curriculum, qualitative research, dissertation seminar, and educational leadership. In the past, Dr. Cozza has been involved with accreditation processes for higher education as an NCATE SPA reviewer and a state higher education program evaluator.