Heriot Watts, Australian Institute of Business and School of Higher Education.Over ten years of consulting experience particularly in business. Provided organizational diagnosis and root cause analysis to help organizations improve their business processes, system and people practices. Successfully taught in online and face-to-face learning environments for over fourteen years in the United States at Indiana Wesleyan University, and a community-based program and in Trinidad for Heriot Watt university and the Australian Business Institute learning centers. Develop curriculums, practice tools and assessments for type of learners.Started and ran a sucessful a small business consulting practice in New York City to help small businesses get started, develop internal systems and practices and to engage with government entities. Also worked closely with small business owners to manage cash flow, develop tax monting systems and to develop marketing strategies to build strong businesses.Independent researcher conducting organzational and national research on leadership, social identity and the anthropology of leadership in Trinidad and Tobago during a four year period. Developer instruments for measuring functional and dysfunctional leadership, social identity in organization, participatory leadership, global strategies for leadership development and other related instruments and diagnostic tools.

Specialties:Human Resource Development,Organizational Counseling,Qualitative and Quantitative Research methods,Leadership Development and Succession Planning,Career Development and Assessment,Organization Change and Development,Cross-cultural Leadership Research,Diversity and Education Research,Adult Learning and Development,Survey Research,Mixed Method Research.