Theme: Innovative Learning-Scapes: e-Scapes, Playscapes & more
Aim: to examine the impacts that social and mobile media and networks are having on learning environments in higher education
Proposal Deadline: August 16, 2013
Conference Dates: May 31 to June 02, 2014 (Saturday, Sunday, and Monday)
Venue: The Hilton Anchorage. All conference activities (sessions, luncheons, etc) will be held at the Hilton – 500 West Third Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska, USA 99501 (+1-907-272-7411). See Travel/Lodging tab.
[tab title=”Overview”]
Following its successful 2013 International HETL Conference at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (HETL) invites you to attend the 2014 International HETL Conference, to be held in Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
Anchorage provides a great backdrop for the 2014 International HETL Conference. Anchorage is a unique destination with once-in-a-lifetime experiences, a place where your sense of adventure can come to play. In Anchorage, you will not only have the opportunity to explore new developments in learning-scapes but you will also be able to explore natural landscapes like glaciers and mountain vistas, as well as exotic wildlife. In Anchorage, you will enjoy metropolitan amenities, excellent museums, and a thriving cultural life with frontier flair. The June climate in Anchorage is ideal, offering sunny days with average temperatures of 62F/16C. Tap into your sense of adventure! See Visit Anchorage for more information about Anchorage.
About the Theme
In Being a University (2011, p143), Ronald Barnett talks about the emerging university of the future as an ecological university, where the ecological university is not only concerned with the natural environment but is concerned about “…a much wider ambit, embracing the personal, social, cultural, institutional and technological environments and knowledge of those environments; in short, the world in its fullest senses.” The ecological university thus endeavors to cultivate those interconnections through meaningful and diverse ways of learning and inquiry.

Aurora ER 2013 Roy Neese
A learning-scape, therefore, may be defined as a conceptual construct that shapes our perceptions of our learning environments. A learning-scape may be viewed as a mosaic of learning environments (i.e., a holistic learning ecosystem) interconnected and interacting at all levels. Personal, cultural, institutional and technological environments can have an enormous impact on learning-scapes because all these environments are intertwined and symbiotic to various degrees. Thus, we need to remind ourselves that curiosity, creativity, and meaningful dialogue and interactions are vitally important because they form the basis for and the context of our humanity and human learning. We need to remind ourselves that appropriate design of learning-scapes matters.
What elements make for effective learning-scapes? For instance, how do we use technology to transform learning without becoming overpowered by the technology? Just as a mountain can seem to overshadow the smaller yet important places around it, technology can sometimes make us feel overwhelmed by its power and enormity. This conference seeks to advance the notion of higher education as an interconnected learning ecosystem and it aims to explore how all the diverse elements of this ecosystem can contribute in creating more dynamic and flourishing learning-scapes.
More specifically, the conference aims to review the impacts that digital, social and mobile media and networks are having on learning environments in higher education. Reports on new forms and approaches to teaching and learning are specifically solicited and presentations on developments and research in higher education generally are welcome.
Participants will be from the gamut of academic disciplines across the arts, sciences, and professions, as well as from other administrative and staff functions delivering and supporting new technologies and approaches to learning. As with every HETL conference, we support participation from around the world.
It’s More Affordable than You May Think
Anchorage, Alaska is an ideal location on the dynamic Pacific rim. The conference organizing committee has worked hard to make the total cost of attending the conference affordable. Airfare to Anchorage is more reasonably priced than we anticipated. For example, we discovered by checking that roundtrip airfare from New York to Anchorage around the time of the conference might be about $350, from London $1000, and Tokyo $1100. Please submit your presentation proposal before the August 16, 2013 deadline.
Anchorage, a very ecologically friendly city and high quality of living, is known for its beautiful landscapes and thriving cultural life. This makes for an ideal backdrop to participate in presentations and workshops by leading scholars and faculty, distinguished international speakers, as well as informal networking and dialogue. Please join us!
We look forward to seeing you in Anchorage!
[tab title=”Team”]
About HETL
The International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (referred to as HETL) is a certified non-profit organization in the State of New York (USA) with headquarters in New York City. HETL’s scope is international with a global membership. HETL works with and supports individual educators, as well as all types of educational institutions, associations, centers, and other groups interested in improving teaching and learning in higher education.
The long-term vision of HETL is to improve educational outcomes in higher education by creating new knowledge and advancing the scholarship and practice of teaching and learning.
To bring that vision to reality, the present mission of HETL is to develop a global community of higher education professionals who come together to share their knowledge and expertise in teaching and learning.
To effectively fulfill that mission, HETL adheres to the values of academic integrity, collegiality, and diversity. As such, HETL supports academic and pedagogical pluralism as well as practices that promote sustainable learning and peace.
Organizing Committee

Special Delegates
Keynote Panel (panel moderators: Patrick Blessinger and Barbara Cozza)

Track Chairs

Advisory Committee
Deborah Arnold, France
Melody Bowdon, USA
Arputharaj Devaraj, India
Donizetti Louro, Brazil
Mandla Makhanya, South Africa
Linda B. Nilson, USA
Krassie Petrova, New Zealand
Andras Szucs, UK
Benno Volk, Switzerland
[tab title=”Tracks”]
This conference offers you the latest developments in digital and social media as well as theoretical models to explain and predict the emerging patterns of digital, social, and mobile media for educational and learning applications.
Additional conference tracks may be developed based on proposal submissions so please submit your proposal even if it does not align directly with track 1 or 2.
Track 1:Digital, Social, and Mobile Media for Learning
This track will explore how new forms of digital, social, and mobile media are being used to create more meaningful and sustainable teaching and learning contexts as well as expand our notion of what it means to teach and learn in a hyper-digital, hyper-networked epoch. A few example topic areas include: cross-cultural and international learning scenarios; virtual learning; mobile learning, gaming and collaborative learning; adult and life-long learning; and innovative e-communities of practice. This track will explore the idea of the hyper-networked knowledge society and how these new forms of media have become a major catalytic force in transforming the social and technological landscapes of teaching and learning.
Track 2: Digital, Social, and Mobile Media for Professional Development
This track will explore how digital, social, and mobile media are being used to facilitate and improve professional development among faculty, staff, and administration. For instance, this track will explore the use of digital, social, and mobile media in faculty learning communities, online academic discussion forums, academic blogging, and other forms of professional development networks and communication.
Session Types
This conference will have individual presentations in roundtable discussion format as well as workshop format.
- Intimate Roundtable (panel) Discussions. Each roundtable session will last 90 minutes total and is a more intimate discussion format where presenters will each give a brief oral presentation followed by an in-depth discussion by all presenters and other participants in the session.
- Interactive Workshops. A limited number of 90 minute workshop sessions by up to five delegates per workshop will be available during the conference.
[tab title=”Travel/Lodging”]
Shuttle service from the Anchorage airport to the Hilton hotel: Call BAC Shuttle Service at 907-222-2600. The cost of the shuttle to the Hilton Anchorage is $10 each way.
Hilton Rate Flyer
For Online Reservations Click Here
[tab title=”Attractions”]
[tab title=”Sponsors”]
[tab title=”FAQs”]
Where will the conference activities be held?
All conference activities (sessions, luncheons, etc) will be held at the Hilton Anchorage at 500 West Third Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska, USA 99501 (+1-907-272-7411). – See Travel/Lodging tab. A detailed conference schedule/program will be emailed to all delegates prior to the conference.
What does the $400 conference registration fee cover?
The conference registration fee covers the following items:
– allows you to participate in all conference activities for the three day conference
– if your proposal was accepted, you will present your proposal during one of the conference sessions
– if your proposal was accepted, your proposal will appear in the conference proceedings (online and hardcopy)
– if your proposal was accepted, you may submit a full paper for possible publication in our journals
– if you submitted a full paper, opportunity to win best paper award
– conference lodging rate at Hilton as long as rooms are available (so book your room early)
– wine and full array of appetizers during day one of the conference (reception)
– full sit-down lunch as well as coffee/tea during breaks for day two of the conference
– full sit-down lunch as well as coffee/tea during breaks for day three of the conference
I reside outside the USA, can HETL help me secure a visa to enter the USA?
No. HETL does not get involved in the visa process in any way. If you reside outside the USA and you will be attending the conference in Anchorage, Alaska, USA, it is solely your responsibility to determine what the visa requirements are for your particular country. If your proposal has been accepted, HETL will only provide you with a “letter of invitation” to attend the conference. The “letter of invitation” is not a legal document and it does not by itself grant you permission to enter the USA but you may be able to use it to help you secure a visa if your country requires that you get one before departure. You should contact the appropriate government agency in your particular country to determine your country’s visa requirements.
How do I make air travel arrangements? Can HETL help with that?
Each conference participant is responsible for making their own airline reservations and paying for their own airline tickets. Airfares may vary greatly from city to city and depending on the travel dates so it is advisable to not wait until the last minute to book your tickets. We suggest you plan early and look into airline departure and return dates/times and airfares as soon as possible.
Which hotel should I stay at while in Anchorage?
HETL has arranged with the Hilton to hold a block of 300 rooms on a “first come first served” basis, so we suggest that you book your room as soon as possible.
What about a car rental?
If you wish to rent a car while in Anchorage, each conference participant is responsible for making their own car rental reservations and paying for their car rental fees.
Will HETL offer an early-bird or discounted registration fee?
The flat registration fee of $400 is already discounted and very affordable compared to other international academic conferences. Thus, there will be no discounted registration fee for this conference and no on-site registration. All conference participants must pay the flat rate of $400 (USD) prior to the conference. See the registration fee dates on the conference web page.
Will HETL publish a book of proceedings?
Yes. All presentation abstracts will appear in the proceedings.
Will HETL publish those full papers that are submitted?
Any presenter may submit a full paper. All full papers received will go through the normal refereed review process and the best papers will be published in a special issue(s) of our journal(s). For the special issues published from our last conference, see and
Who should attend?
Representatives from all countries and from institutions of all types and missions, including:
- Higher education faculty members from all disciplines
- Graduate students preparing to become professional educators – we especially welcome joint proposals from graduate students and their faculty mentors/advisors
- Instructional technologists, course designers, and faculty developers
- Higher education executives, administrators, managers, and staff
- Representatives from business and government who work with higher education institutions and use social media and networking in their practices
Call for Proposals Distributed: | May 29, 2013 |
Deadline for Proposal Abstracts: | August 16, 2013 |
Proposal Review Period: | August 16 – September 12, 2013 |
Decisions Delivered: | September 23, 2013 |
Early Bird Registration: | not applicable |
Regular Registration: | Oct 1, 2013 – February 28, 2014 |
Deadline for Full Papers (full papers are optional): | February 28, 2014 |
On-site Registration: | not applicable |
Early Bird Registration: | not applicable |
Regular Registration: | $400 (USD) – no refunds once fee is paid. |
On-site Registration: | No on-site registration available |
Full-time Graduate Students: | $400 (USD) – no refunds once fee is paid. |
Registration includes a free one year individual membership in HETL – a $60 value.
No refunds will be given once you pay your registration fee – no exceptions.
Proposal Submissions Form Back to Top
Proposals related to higher education teaching and learning in-general are also invited, even if they are not directly related to the conference theme. Additional conference tracks may be developed based on submissions. As with any academic abstract, your 250 word abstract should clearly and concisely describe the purpose of your presentation, the method(s) used, the results/findings, and the conclusion/implications. All submitted proposals will be peer reviewed by a screening committee to ensure academic quality and appropriateness of the proposal topic. Selected proposals will appear in the conference proceedings (book of abstracts). See the program and proceedings of the 2013 International HETL Conference to get an idea of the typical HETL conference style and format.
The deadline for conference proposals is August 16, 2013.